Top tips help you avoid the debt trap

British consumers owe more today than they ever have before. As credit becomes more easily available, the number of people experiencing debt is rising. In this article we advise you on what you can do if you are struggling to keep up with repayments.

Remortgage now for the best finance deal

As the cost of credit rises and house prices falter, there has never been a better time to remortgage. With a little time and effort you could save yourself thousands of pounds on your home loan repayments over the coming years.

Don’t get caught out by credit card fees

Using your credit card to withdraw cash could cost you as much as 27 pence for every pound you take out, according to a recent survey. We show you how to use your credit card wisely.

Cut your telephone bills with internet calling

The communications landscape has shifted dramatically over the last decade and it is now possible to stay in touch with family and friends all over the world thanks to internet calling.

Travel money options for your holiday

It is now easier than ever before to access funds while you are travelling abroad. However, high commissions and fees, and poor exchange rates can quickly eat into your holiday funds. We look at the most economical ways to manage your travel money.

Extended car warranties: the costs and benefits

Extended car warranties can give you peace of mind if your car is more than three years old and no longer covered by the manufacturers warranty. We look at the pros and cons of extended car warranties.

Home Loans: Four safety tips when applying online

If you are looking for a home loan on the Internet you will find many web sites trying to win your business. Are these web sites trustworthy? Read our four tips to help you prevent identity theft and fraud

Credit card cheques – the good, bad and ugly

You may have received some credit card cheques with your last credit card statement recently. Is it sensible to use this unsolicited forms of payment? We look at the pros and cons in this article.

Beware the buy to let mortgage trap

With interest rates set to increase to 5.75pc this week, buy to let investors should beware of a potential mortgage trap as their fixed rate mortgage terms come to an end.

Flood Insurance – are you covered?

Recent bad weather has caused flooding in many parts of the UK and many homes, businesses and farms have been affected. Floods bring misery and hardship, but what can be done to minimise the financial costs of flood damage?

The hidden costs of buy to let investments

The buy to let market presents an opportunity that seems too good to miss - whilst your property is appreciating nicely, your tenants are, in effect, buying it for you. But beware the hidden costs involved in buy to let investments.

Should I convert my car to LPG?

Road tax, congestion and parking charges are starting to be increased for owners of gas guzzling cars, so is now the right time to convert your vehicle to LPG?

Will House Prices Continue To Rise?

House prices in the UK are still rising at record rates but will this continue and for how long? Read our article to learn more.