What are payday loans and are they a good idea?

We all get strapped for cash from time to time. Sometimes those bills all arrive at once and leave us struggling to make ends meet. However, help is at hand in the form of payday loans. But these convenient loans can come at a high price.

Quit smoking to knock thousands off your insurance bills

Saving money is often one of the first reasons given for quitting smoking. But we usually think only in terms of the money saved on the cigarettes themselves. However, you could also save thousands on your insurance bills by packing them in.

Brits set to splash out for Valentine’s Day

Romance is in the air this week and according to new research Brits aren't afraid to splash out on their loved ones. We take a closer look at Britain's £1.6 billion Valentine's Day bill.

What is sub-prime and what does it mean for me?

The sub-prime crisis that has been hanging ominously over the world economy for a number of months now is showing no signs of abating. We all know it is bad, but what is it really? What has caused it? And what does it mean for you? Read on to find out more.

High Court will decide on bank overdraft charges

The future costs of banking for British consumers could be decided this week as the Office of Fair Trading and some of Britain's biggest banks lock horns in the High Court over overdraft fees. The outcome could have a significant effect on how much we all pay for our banking.