Would you like to know how you can save money on your auto insurance and get a cheaper car insurance quote? If your answer is yes, this article is for you. Some people are of the opinion that car insurance is too costly and so they’ll prefer to be indecisive about it.
However, when you count the losses that you’ll be exposed to for not insuring your car, you’ll eventually have to endorse car insurance. It gets even better when you have accurate information on how to lower your car insurance quote. Hence, you should pay rapt attention to this article.
1. It Begins With You
Do you know that you can save up to 25% discount just by deciding to be a good driver? That is so true and realistic because a poor driving history can hinder your chances of getting a discount off your insurance.
Your insurer will run a check to ascertain that you have not had cases of accidents, drunk driving, and tickets for speeding in at least 3 years, before offering you a discount.
2. Increase Your Deductible
Although a higher deductible will mean some more money from your pocket in the event of a claim, it can save you more eventually.
As a matter of fact, according to the insurance information institute, you can save about 15 to 30% with your insurance premium if you buy home, travel, and auto insurance from the same insurance provider and the aa insurance can help you to save money in the same way.
By raising your deductible from $250 to $500, you will have made one good decision that will lower your expenses. If you decide to raise it further to $1,000, you can end up saving up to 40% discount off your insurance bill.
3. Carefully Choose Your Car
Having the right car can go a long way to grant you access to a cheaper car insurance quote. Think of it this way, when you want to buy a car, it is easy to think that a cheap car will, in turn, mean cheap insurance, but that is not true. Look out for cars that cost less to replace and repair. You’ll be lowering your premium that way.
4. Compare Auto Quotes
Here is another smart way to lower your insurance premium, but you also have to be careful while at it, so you do not end up with a far worse insurance company.
When your policy is up for renewal, it is your opportunity to check and compare auto quotes, because you just might find a new company that has dropped its price or a newly emerged company with better insurance offers. Do proper research before calling it quits with your present insurer to avoid regrets.
5. Consider Bundling Your Policies
Insuring more than one vehicle with the same company can reduce your car insurance expense by up to 25%. That’s not all because you can further lower your quote by purchasing renters or homeowners insurance with your car insurance company.
This system of bundling which is also known as multi-policy savings can increase your discount to 30%, depending on the insurance company you are with.
6. Find Out About Group Insurance
If you work with a major company, you should ask if there is an option for discounts on your car insurance. Already, several companies offer health insurance group plans.
Other groups like trade schools, colleges, offer both their students and alumni an opportunity to be a part of a group insurance. Asking the right questions in these quarters can give you access to a cheaper car insurance quote.
7. Drive Only When You Have To
It is another easy way to reduce your car insurance premium. Depending on the policy, you can have your base rates reduced if you are able to cover between 7,500 to 10,000miles all year round. This base rate reduction will reflect in collision premiums, PIP, property damage liability, and bodily injury liability.
You can be a part of this by getting your insurance company to install a tracker in your car that can send data to them on the miles you cover while driving. So what do you think; it is worth trying right?
8. Drop Any Unnecessary Insurance Coverage
Before doing this, have some alone time to think it through carefully. Insurance coverage is only unnecessary when the insurance expenses do not complement the value that you receive from the car.
Dropping collision and comprehensive coverage can also take the form of letting go of medical payment insurance, especially when you are sure your family has a good health insurance plan. Before deciding on this, you should also check that the unneeded insurance coverage is optional in your state.
9. Maximize The Discount Offers That You Qualify For
What is the point of qualifying for several discounts and using very few or next to none of them? That is why you must ask the right questions and read articles like this, where you are better informed.
Being a good student also comes with its rewards, as most companies reward college, home-schooled teens, and high school students who are doing well in their grades. Some insurance companies offer 7% off the insurance bill for their “good student” discount, which is a great start.
These discounts here and there can sum up to a cheaper car insurance quote. The question that we leave you with is this, “what is stopping you from taking advantage of these opportunities?”