Are you looking to save money on energy costs to reduce your monthly budget expenses or perhaps feel it’s simply time to switch energy supplier? Perhaps npower can help you. Learn about some of their popular energy plans in this article.
As with other energy suppliers, npower has a range of energy plans for you to choose from.
Your choice of energy plan will be influenced by a number of factors, including whether you want the certainty of a fixed price or not, whether you want to manage your energy account online, whether you want either gas or electricity or both and what your anticipated usage is.
As at 4 May 2017, the npower energy plans are
- Super Fix March 2021
- Price Fix March 2021
- Online Price Fix May 2018
- Price Fix June 2019
- Standard Tariff
Super Fix March 2021 tariff
Prices are fixed until 31 March 2021, subject to governmental or regulatory requirements .
This tariff is available to new or existing customers who pay by fixed monthly or variable quarterly Direct Debit or Receipt of Bill. It is not available to customers with non-standard or prepayment meters.
An early exit fee of £30 per fuel may apply before 11 February 2021.
Your daily standing charge will be reduced if you pay by Direct Debit. So over a year you’ll get £40 off your electricity and £50 off your gas. Subject to change.
Price Fix March 2021
Prices are fixed until 31 March 2021, subject to governmental or regulatory requirements.
You’ll need to be an existing npower customer paying our standard variable rates paying by fixed monthly or variable quarterly Direct Debit or Receipt of Bill.
It is not available to customers with non-standard or prepayment meters.
Paying by Direct Debit will mean your daily standing charge will be reduced. So over a year you’ll get £40 off your electricity and £50 off your gas. Subject to change.
Online Price Fix May 2018
Prices are fixed until 31 May 2018, subject to governmental or regulatory requirements.
You’ll need to manage your account online and get your bills and other key communications via email.
If you decide you want to switch tariff or supplier before 12 April 2018, an exit fee of £30 per fuel may apply.
Paying by Direct Debit will mean your daily standing charge will be reduced. So over a year you’ll get £40 off your electricity and £50 off your gas. Subject to change.
Price Fix June 2019
Prices are fixed until 30 June 2019, subject to governmental or regulatory requirements.
Unlike many tariffs, there’s no exit fee if you decide to switch tariff.
If you pay by direct debit your daily standing charge will be reduced. So over a year you’ll get £40 off your electricity and £50 off your gas. Subject to change.
This tariff is available to new or existing customers who pay by fixed monthly or variable quarterly Direct Debit, or Receipt of bill. It is not available to customers with non-standard or prepayment meters.
Standard Tariff
This is a variable rate tariff that’s available to new or existing customers with standard credit, Economy 7, or pre-payment meters paying by monthly or quarterly Direct Debit, pre-payment, or receipt of bill.
You’ll be able to choose your billing method to either receive paper bills or manage your account online with paperless billing.
There is no time limit to this tariff, leaving you free to switch at anytime without an early exit fees.
Customers coming to the end of an npower fixed term and fixed price tariff will automatically be moved to this Standard tariff unless they have actively switched to another tariff.
When you pay by Direct Debit, your daily standing charge will be discounted so that over a year you’ll receive a discount of £40 on your electricity charges and £50 on your gas charges for paying by Direct Debit.
There is no additional discount after 12 months as it is already taken into account in the price you pay each day. Subject to change.
How easy is it to switch to npower?
If you choose to switch to npower, or indeed switch to any energy supplier, it’s easy and you don’t need to worry. You may find you can save money.
Taking switching to npower for example, the easiest way is to simply obtain an online quote for the plan of your choice.
Once you accept a plan and agree to switch, you can relax and sit back while npower manage the switch for you.
You don’t even need to spend time contacting your existing energy provider, they will handle the entire process from beginning to end.
Once the process is complete, they will contact you to make sure that you are happy with your new service.
We’ve given you an insight into the npower energy plans in this article, for more detail or to switch to one of their plans just visit the npower website.