Christmas is right around the corner and it’s undoubtedly the most crucial time of year to save money wherever possible. And while you could spend less money on presents or cut down on the nights out, for many people it’s the cost of household maintenance that plagues their bank account.
Maintaining your home requires time, effort and money. And while certain tasks or chores may seem unappealing or something you’re tempted to put on the backburner, household neglect can cost you dearly, especially now that we’re entering the winter months. In this post, we take a look at a few of the ways you should prepare your home for the festive season and why failing to do so can be incredibly expensive.
Annoying Leaks Could Turn into a Catastrophe
If you have a bothersome leak at home, whether it’s due to a damaged roof or a plumbing issue, it’s safe to say that you’ll want to get it fixed before the worst of winter’s weather arrives. The UK is well-known for a few things — cups of tea; the royal family; fish and chips; the horrendous weather — and the latter is something that not only restricts the amount of time we can spend sunbathing, but heavy downfalls can cause serious problems if you happen to have a leak.
What was previously an annoyance that you were planning to fix later could easily turn into a Christmas-ruining catastrophe. The cost of fixing a roof is substantially less than it will cost to repair the damage of flooding or falling debris.
Is Your Heating System up to Scratch?
There’s something quite charming and enjoyable about wrapping up warm around the fire during Winter. Now tell that to someone who has no heating at Christmas — it’s safe to say “charming” is the last word they’ll use to describe their experience. Ensuring that your heating system is efficient and reliable will give you the peace of mind that you’ll be able to stay toasty on the coldest of cold nights, and it will also prevent the financial blow of having to pay for an emergency callout or replacement system.
If you have been having problems with your central heating or just want to make sure that everything is going work as it should during winter, it’s a good idea to shop around for a reputable plumber who can help. This will let you hire a plumber who both suits your budget and is the best person for the job.
Hire a Plumber to Inspect and Fix Your Pipes
One of the aspects of your home that can experience the most issues during winter is your plumbing — and more specifically, your pipes. When water freezes inside, it’s not uncommon for a pipe to burst. If one of your pipes does burst and you’re unaware or not home at the time, the outcome of prolonged flooding can be catastrophic. Your belongings, furniture and Christmas presents will be ruined and the structure of your home can get damaged. This may sound dramatic, especially if the cause is just one burst pipe, but, nevertheless, an emergency plumber should be contacted ASAP!
To keep your pipes sufficiently insulated, you should use tubes of rubber foam, which you can buy from most DIY or hardware shops. They have a slit on one side so that they can easily be wrapped around a variety of pipe diameters. If the foam tubes you buy don’t have adhesive inside, just use duct tape to secure it.
Clogged Drains and Gutters
From time to time, every family home will encounter a blocked drain. Whether it’s caused by wet wipes being flushed down the toilet, clumps of long hair down the plughole or coffee grounds down the sink, there are plenty of opportunities for blockages.
Couple this with leaves in your drains and gutters, and you’ll find that you’re often in a constant battle to keep your plumbing clean and clear of blockages. Failing to stay on top of it can lead to a build-up of debris, which will then allow water and moisture to freeze when the temperature drops. If ice forms in your drains or gutters, it can cause blockages and also break your guttering — which will not only put a dampener on the festivities, but also cost valuable money to replace.
The best advice to anyone experiencing problems due to a build-up of leaves and garden debris is to unclog your drains and clear your guttering before the temperature drops below freezing. Gutter guards are a worthwhile investment to prevent your drains from getting clogged.