Communication as a Foundation for Great Organisations

It is every employer’s dream to see its company develop and successfully reach its business goals. That is why they spend most of their time searching for ways to improve certain corporate aspects. However, their efforts can easily be in vain. Why? Without communication as a rock-solid foundation, all other improvements won’t have a far-reaching effect.

An organisation that keeps an open and two-way communication with employees, customers, vendors, and partners, can succeed and maximize their profits. Here is why internal communications, as well as the external, matter for becoming a great organisation.

Advantages of Effective Communication

Good business communication obviously can’t happen over-night. It is a lengthy and on-going process that demands preparation, planning, and working out tactics. Nevertheless, the reward is huge and well deserved. Once the right communication strategy is put in motion, key aspects are enhanced such as:

  • Employee engagement —through building trust with employees, they show initiative and take place in workplace activities more easily
  • Giving and receiving feedback — when employees feel like a part of the team, they can speak their mind without fearing co-workers might judge or mock them. Hence, they give and receive feedback which can help the organization to further develop.
  • Employee motivation — by communicating, employees are familiar with the vision and mission of the organization which motivates them and gives them a sense of belonging
  • Conflicts and misunderstandings —with effective communication, there is no room for misinformation and misunderstandings of any sort. Everyone is on the same page.
  • Relationships among colleagues — co-workers get to know each other so their bonds as individual team members and as a team grow stronger
  • Employee productivity — keeping employees informed makes them perform well and reduces all chances for errors and mistakes that can cost the organization clients or profits

Build Good Communication Strategy in 4 Steps

There are some easy steps every organization can follow to build a successful and effective communication strategy. These steps are straightforward, easy to implement and efficient in achieving the desired aim — great business communication.

Brainstorming during a business meeting

Communicate Constantly and Regularly

The key to good communication is consistency. When the organization timely updates employees and maintains interaction with the audience, it gives them value and importance. It shows the company is by their side whenever they need it. On the other hand, when they communicate occasionally, it sends an unclear message. They don’t know what to expect or what is expected from them. For this reason, managers should come up with a schedule and stick to it.

For example, they can arrange daily meetings with teams, weekly meetings with team members, or quarterly meetings with all employees. The point is to be consistent.

Encourage Two-way Communication

As much as giving orders is part of the business, so is listening to employees. Employers should encourage active listening and make sure to act on any provided feedback. When managers pay attention to what employees have to say, it positively affects the workforce. It boosts their morale and motivates them to do their jobs the best way they can. However, if managers don’t take into account their opinion and feedback, then the organization can’t grow properly.

Listening during an informal meeting

Feedback is a powerful tool. It can be used to improve business policies, employee experience, and working conditions in general. To receive honest opinions from employees, managers should allow them to use any communication channel they feel comfortable with. Whether it’s the phone, employee app, or face to face interaction, it doesn’t matter. What matters is their opinion as well as the value it has for organizational development.

Select the Proper Method

Technology is constantly evolving and offering new ways of communication. When faced with such a wide choice of communication channels, organizations don’t know which one to choose. This seems like a great opportunity for employee engagement. Asking them to suggest and share their preferred methods for communication will boost their communication and collaboration.

Employees in a modern office

With this simple trick, the company will engage employees and gain a proper method for boosting business communication. It is always better to consult them than to force unwanted and unaccepted methods on them. They might not want to use it and the whole idea of good business communication might fall apart.

Consider the Audience

While keeping everyone informed is necessary, it is also tricky. In most cases, the company doesn’t have to share every piece of information with every employee. It is all about the timing — presenting the right information to the right employees at the right time. This practice will help avert possible misunderstandings.

When employees hear a rumour, without any context, they have no other choice than to jump to conclusions. They will lose trust in their superiors and become stressed and anxious. With careful planning and taking care of the timing, the management can avoid all of this. Filtering information can keep the situation under control. This way, information flow will be consistent and right.

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