Getting the finances right is crucial to success for a start-up. While you may be tempted to do your own books, getting help from a professional is the best way to ensure that everything goes smoothly. An accountant will do more than keep an eye on the numbers – they will be able to advise you on processes, streamlining and how to increase profits.
Here are some of the essential things you should look for when selecting an accountant for your start-up.
Look For Qualifications
One of the most basic and most important things to look for is qualification. The accountant you select should be fully qualified and registered with an accountancy body.
There are a number of different accountancy bodies in the UK, and the most well-known are the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEQ) and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). It would be best if you always double-checked an accountant’s qualifications with the governing body to be sure of authenticity.
Get An Idea Of Cost
Many people baulk at the cost of hiring an accountant, but the money spent will be saved over time thanks to the benefits you will gain. It may help to do some research into the typical costs of accounting services to know what to expect when you reach out to firms. It may be tempting to cut costs, but it is important never to sacrifice quality for price.
Consider Local Services
Finding a local accountant can help to ensure the best service. You may need your accountant to come to your offices in person, which can be challenging if they are based on the other side of the country. A local accountant will also be more familiar with local regulations and community.
Check out these accountants in Manchester for an idea of what you should be looking for. Azets provide tailored, local services to businesses in Manchester and are an industry leader in accounting.
Decide Which Services Your Require
Before selecting an accountant, you should ensure that they provide all of the services you may require. Some are essentials that all accountants should be able to perform, such as payroll and VAT services, while there may be other more specialised duties you may wish your accountant to complete.
It is worth reviewing the services offered by the firms you are considering to ensure that they provide everything that your business needs.
Check Out Reviews And Get Recommendations
An excellent way to narrow down your choices is by seeking out reviews of the company. You could do this by looking on review aggregator sites such as Google or Trustpilot – though it is important to take anything you read online with a pinch of salt. Online reviews are an excellent way to get a feel for a company and how it operates.
Recommendations from other business owners, family, or friends is another great way to find an accountant. These have the benefit of giving you a first-hand account of the accountant you are considering.
Keep Customer Service In Mind
An accountant is running a business just as you are. It may help to ensure that their customer service is up to the standard you expect. Your accountant will be a crucial part of running your business, so you will need to know that you can get in touch with them when you need them.
You should consider reaching out to several firms and see how their responses differ. While initial enquiries may not be enough to gauge how responsive their customer service will be, it can be a good indicator.