5 Ways to Boost Your Business’s Online Presence

It’s important for a business to maintain a strong online presence in 2020, but just how do you go about doing it? Luckily, there are lots of different ways you can boost your online profile and grow your business at the same time.


There are few things that can be better for your brand than appearing in the top position for a big keyword. Not only can search engine optimization bring you lots of traffic, but it also gives it an immediate boost in authority.

Some people look at Google and the other search engines, and think they couldn’t possibly rank at the top of page one, but that’s not the case. If you choose the right keywords, and follow good SEO, then you can rank well in the search engines and bring in lots of organic clicks.
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Getting to the top of the search engines through SEO takes time and hard work. Sometimes your brand needs immediate exposure though, and in these times, pay per click advertising can step in.

A woman working on a laptop

PPC allows you to get your advert to feature right at the top of the search engines, where thousands of people will see it each day. While you pay for each click, this is a quick way to bring lots of traffic to your website and start making conversions on your goals.

With the right PPC strategy, you can achieve a good return on your investment while boosting your online profile.

Social Media

It took a while for businesses to recognize the power of social media, but now it’s seen as an important part of any marketing strategy. One of the most important parts of marketing is reaching people where they are, and in the case of 3.8 billion people, that’s on social media. If your brand isn’t there too, then it’s missing out on a huge audience.

The key things with social media are being consistent, and being creative. You’ve got the opportunity to show off your brand in its best light, so take advantage of it. There’s a lot of competition on social media, with lots of things competing for people’s attention, so you’ve really got to find a way of standing out from the crowd.

Ecommerce Platforms

If you sell products and they’re not on platforms like Amazon or eBay, then you’re missing out on an opportunity to grow your online profile. People have legitimate reasons for not wanting to be on these platforms, but at the same time, you’re missing out on a big audience.

An e-commerce concept

Small and medium sized businesses in the US sell 4,000 items a minute on Amazon, which just goes to show the scale of this platform. From an online presence perspective though, one of the big things is that so many searches cut out Google altogether and start on Amazon; if you’re not there, you’re missing out.


Email is great because it’s a medium you own. Once you’ve built your email list it’s yours, and you don’t have to rely on an intermediary to interact with your customers.

The other big thing is that it allows you to create multiple touchpoints with your audience. When someone visits your website, you never know if they’re going to come back or not, but with email, you always have that opportunity to reach someone.

This makes email marketing a great tool, and it’s one your business should be using to grow your online presence.

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