Absolute Digital Media: What is Digital PR?

For those that have been in business for a long time. The transition to this new digital age has been a challenging one, particularly if you have limited knowledge in the online world yourself. However, it doesn’t have to be this way by doing your research or enlisting the help of a top-quality agency. In this article, we will be providing you with insight into what digital PR is and how it can help your business.

What Is Digital PR?

For many, the idea of digital PR is a completely alien marketing technique that seems rather complicated. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. Digital PR is simply a marketing strategy used by businesses alongside SEO and PPC to improve online presence. By networking with journalists, bloggers and influencers your chosen digital pr agency in London can the release press releases and other information to them to gain high-quality backlinks and boost the reputation and visibility of your business.

How Does It Differ To Traditional PR?

Traditional PR differs from Digital PR as it focuses heavily on printed publications such as newspapers. Meeting and networking with people, heading out to dinner and other lines of communication where all used to make this happen. However, in the digital age, digital PR has somewhat taken over. With online media rapidly taking over, many PR companies have either switched solely to providing digital PR or are providing clients with a combination of both. An example of this is the use of influencer appearances and marketing when compared to an appearance on a traditional TV show. Though this can still help to reach a larger audience, it is not as essential as it used to be.

What Different Strategies Are Out There In Digital PR?

Here at Absolute Digital Media, our newly formed PR team and CEO Ben Austin have been implementing several new and exciting ways to bring the best of this service to our customers. But with so many different techniques to choose from, we have listed some of the popular digital PR strategies that several PR agencies lean towards when helping a business:

  • Influencer Marketing – A quick and easy way to boost social media presence.
  • Networking With Journalists– Gets high-quality backlinks with a link in an upcoming article.
  • Publishing press releases – This can better your visibility when shared online by larger publications.
  • Sharing Infographics Online – Whether you are sharing an infographic made by your creative team or another company, this is an amazing SEO tactic.

Internet marketing strategies

How Can It Impact Your Business?

When implemented correctly, there are several benefits that digital PR can bring. Not only can it be implemented smoothly alongside an existing PPC and SEO campaign, but it can build connections with larger publications that could prove essential as the company begins to grow. A great relationship with these publications can aid in getting the news out and showcasing the business in the best possible light even during trying times.

Whether you are looking to begin implementing digital PR in your business in the near future or you are looking at the different marketing options that are out there on the market for you, there are several ways that you can boost online visibility whilst improving everything.

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