5 Ways to Use a Personal Loan

There are various sources of financing you can use to cover your financial needs. These include business loans, asset-based loans, and personal loans. Personal loans come with a lot of flexibility. You can borrow these loans for almost any purpose. One of the most critical consideration is whether the loan will be profitable in the long run. The following are some of the prudent ways of using personal loans.

1. Debt consolidation

If you are paying different loans, you can combine them into a single personal loan. For example, let’s say you have medical and education loans from various creditors. Making payments to different creditors is inconvenient and costly. You can borrow a new loan and use it to pay the multiple loans. After that, you will be making payments to a single lender. Debt consolidation has several advantages. It can reduce the interest you are paying and shorten the debt repayment period.

2. Financing your education

The cost of higher education in America is steadily rising. The average annual college budget is now about $25, 000 according to a recent study by the College Board. Students can use personal loans to cover tuition fees and other expenses. Education is an investment. The profits from this investment are realized when the student lands a job or uses the skills acquired to make money.

A female student reading a book

Some former college students are struggling to pay education loans they had taken while in school. This mainly happens if they had taken high-interest loans from private money lenders. Such students can use personal loans to ease their monthly financial burden. For example, they can borrow a personal loan with an extended repayment period and use it to clear the private loan.

3. Improving your home

We all want to live in a house that looks classy and feels luxurious. Whether you want to repair a damaged roof or install solar panels, personal loans are a handy source of financing. Minor improvements such as replacing a leaking roof and repainting your house can increase it’s value substantially. If you are planning to move out of your current home, you can use a loan to improve the house so that it can fetch a good price.

4. Making emergency purchases

Emergency doesn’t always refer to medical needs. Sometimes, a store in your area will be offering huge limited-time discounts. Even if you do not have the funds to buy these items, it will not be wise to let the opportunity pass. Remember opportunity is a rare visitor. Contact a lender who is lending at favorable rates. You can then sell the products at a profit and pay the loan.

Personal loans have prevented interruption of many businesses after accidents. Sometimes, insurance claims take long to process. People in business, therefore, take personal loans to keep their firms running as the insurance claim is being processed.

An example of a free credit score

5. Improving your credit score

Your credit score determines the maximum amount you can borrow. It also defines the interest rate you will pay for your loans. Lenders report your credit performance to credit bureaus. If you have a loan that you are struggling to pay, you can borrow a personal loan from another lender at better terms and use it to pay the first loan. Timely loan payments will improve your credit score.

Personal loans can be used for any purpose. While this gives borrowers flexibility, they can be tempted to misuse the loans. To reduce the risk of default and poor credit rating, ensure you use borrowed funds for the intended purposes only.

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