You can make money recycling old toys, see our 10 tips on how to value vintage toys and how to sell them, plus look at why it might be worth insuring them.
Following Jessops, the DVD and music chain HMV has now gone into administration. Sadly there will no doubt be more well known retailers to hit the buffers this year and our sympathies are with those facing uncertainty over their jobs. An outrage though is that HMV have said it will not be accepting gift vouchers.
Back in February of 2012, MPs and peers declared asbestos in UK schools a “national scandal” after the Department of Education suggested that as many as three-quarters of schools housed asbestos. Extensively used from the 1950s to the late 1980s, anything from houses to office to factories to schools could contain the deadly substance.
Professional indemnity insurance is a type of insurance policy that provides cover for businesses that offer advice and/or professional services – such as solicitors, accountants, management consultants and estate agents. For many of these businesses the securing of professional indemnity insurance – or professional liability insurance which protects against damage to client or their property – is a legal requirement.