If you’ve got very little money but lots of junk, it’s time to reverse that trend. You could be earning cash off of all the things that you’d just as soon wish away from your home. All your old books, CDs, and clothes aren’t going to move themselves, but you may be searching for a bit of inspiration to help you get started. Just picture yourself with a wad of cash in hand…
Once you’re ready to face the music — literally — you could find your first money-making opportunity in all of your old CDs.
Relying on buyback sites like musicMagpie, you could trade all of your CDs from the 80s, 90s, and 2000s for a bit of cash.
This will also give you the motivation you need to finally digitise your library by converting all of your music to mp3 format. Once you have every song you own at the touch of a button, you’ll find no need for those clumsy disc cases. And after selling your music, you can do the same with your DVDs and video games.
If there’s one place where “old” is new again, it’s at vintage clothing stores.
If you enjoy thrift shopping, you know the thrill of combing through pieces from the 50s, 60s, and beyond looking for the perfect statement piece.
And even if you’re not into thrift shopping, you could still benefit from it. Spend a day clearing out your wardrobe so that you can find the really old clothes that you won’t wear again.
The beauty of fashion and style is that everything repeats itself eventually. This means that your bell-bottom jeans, tie-dye t-shirts, and leopard print suede boots will find a good home–and make you some money.
And equally as importantly, never underestimate the power of the online marketplace to sell even the most miscellaneous items that you no longer have use for. Ebay can turn your no-good workout equipment into a home gym for an eager buyer — and cash directly in hand for you.
And Amazon can get your more money for your used text books than selling them back to university for literally pennies. All you have to do is get out there and post!
As a last effort, you could always rely on your creativity to make money from your old belongings. Artist types can quickly fashion a fledgling business by taking junk like old buttons, CDs, and clothing that doesn’t fit any more and turning it into creative masterpieces that people are willing to pay for.
If you’re sceptical, just think of how you could fashion a wall collage from old discs or create home decor pieces from clothing.
From figuring out how to sell CDs, DVDs, and games to creating a small part-time business for yourself turning your trash into treasure, the chances to make money off of your old belongings abound. Get started now, and you’ll be counting pound notes instead of pieces of junk.