Coupons are a great way to bag some fantastic deals when you’re out shopping. A lot of people around the country have made a hobby out of the process by collecting these handy money savers and using them to gain the best possible deals. The extremes that some shoppers go to in order to peel away the pounds from their shopping bills is extraordinary and anyone can benefit from coupons by taking the following advice on board.
Finding Coupons
Finding these little gems is a lot easier than you may think. Have a look in newspapers, magazines, social media pages, leaflets, food packaging and even reputable coupon websites to find some of the best ones available.
There are coupons for everything, such as groceries and makeup and you can even use them to get money off cinema tickets. Some coupons can be used online, on interactive websites such as Mecca Bingo which often come with discount codes and special offers.
Do your research
Before setting off and using as many coupons as possible, it is wise to become familiar with the policies of the supermarket you will be shopping in. Each one will differ from the next but at least if you know their policy rules on using coupons, you can have a better idea of what your next move will be.
Scan QR Codes
QR codes can be found on the packaging of store goods and by simply using your mobile phone, you can quickly scan a QR code which may result in you receiving a coupon online. The best thing about this is that you can easily use them when you reach the checkout.
Double your Game
Take things to the next level and try using two coupons or vouchers at the same time to really cut your bill down. Money Saving Expert advises that the best way in which to do this successfully is to use a manufacturer’s coupon together with a store coupon in one transaction. This is more likely to be accepted in a supermarket and therefore you will leave with a huge grin as well as a heavier purse or wallet.
Sale Items
There is usually a special corner in supermarkets where they keep all the items that are soon to be out of date or damaged. These are displayed on a separate shelf and the prices are cut dramatically. These goods usually have a noticeable yellow sticker on their packaging and if you use a coupon when purchasing these, you could get yourself some superb deals.
Shop Wisely
The coupon experts know how to get the best deals possible which is why they tend to avoid peak times of the week and only go out in search for these deals during the more quiet days of the week.
According to Daily Mail, Twitter ‘launched a ‘Buy’ button in September that lets users make purchases or donate money to charities without leaving Twitter.’ On top of this, Twitter and other social media sites often offer users great vouchers, promo codes and coupons so keep an eye out for these the next time you scroll through your newsfeed.