Buying car insurance may not be your top priority when buying a new car, but as a legal requirement it needs to be dealt with. As car insurance prices continue to rise we take a look at how to get the best car insurance.
Driving your new car away without car insurance may seem fleetingly tempting but it’s simply not worth the risk.
Failing to have it comes with high penalties, including an automatic fine, penalty points on your licence, having your car seized and possibly having your licence revoked.
Far better to make sure you get the best cover to meet your needs, at the best price.
Think about the type of cover you need
Comprehensive or Third Party, Fire and Theft, and compare car insurance from different providers.
Consider how you will use the car
If for example you are only using it for Social, Domestic & Pleasure, you don’t need to buy cover that includes commuting which would cost you more.
Can you reduce your mileage, if you can you may benefit from a lower premium.
Make sure you only take out the cover your need
Do you need breakdown cover?
What about a courtesy car if your one is off the road? As an aside, if you do accept a courtesy vehicle following an accident, do be careful.
Do you need overseas travel, is it included?
Look out for discounts too
Some insurers offer a discount for purchasing online, or one if you insure multiple cars or hold another policy with the same company, home insurance for example.
Of course there may be a no claims discount too that you can take advantage of, or opting for a higher excess may help.
You can often save money if you’re a younger driver by adding an older driver – don’t ‘front’ though as this is illegal.
Above all, as you buy your car insurance, do remember that the best price may not be the cheapest, pay the price to get the best cover to meet your specific needs.