4 Reasons to Reinforce Your Company Against Cyber Attacks

Many types of cyberattacks are preventable. But, apart from being a proper nuisance and possible business threat, are there any other reasons to reinforce your company against cyberattacks? Let’s find out why practicing strong cybersecurity is a must for businesses in the digital age.

Top 4 Reasons to Reinforce Your Company Against Cyber Attacks

Reason #1: Cybercriminals Don’t Discriminate

Whether you’re a big business or just a startup with a website, you’re a target for hackers and cybercriminals. Cybercriminals may have a preference, but they definitely don’t discriminate. Take, for example, these figures from 2020. While all of us were too busy fighting the pandemic and shifting to remote setup, these people decided to jump at the opportunity to attack the Internet.

Cybercriminals don’t care what purpose you’re serving. You can’t very well appeal to their morals and hope that you’re not going to get targeted. Businesses, charities, schools, government agencies, and even churches fall victim to cybercrime (Threat Post, 2020).

Reason #2: Strong Cybersecurity Improves Customer Confidence

As customers, we tend to skip over T&C’s and fine prints because, honestly, who reads those? But what happens when cybercrime affects websites, companies, businesses, and applications we know and use? We immediately fear for whatever personal or financial information that we’ve shared with those platforms.

As much as consumers don’t seem to care about their privacy at first glance, most of them are actually wary of online transactions and fear for their privacy while conducting personal or business activities over the web. This means that businesses need to focus on implementing security measures that protect private information and improve customer confidence.

Compared with the past few years, more people right now are concerned about the privacy of their data. There has been increasing awareness around cybersecurity, and consumers and employees want brands and employers to educate them on the simplest and most effective ways they can protect themselves from cybercriminals.

At least 70% of consumers believe that businesses can protect their data better than the government can (PwC, 2017).

Reason #3: Cybersecurity Can Save Your Business

Cybersecurity isn’t rocket science, and there are more than a handful of ways that you can protect your business and computer networks from cyberattacks. One way to increase cybersecurity is by residential proxies.

A cyber hacking concept

Residential Proxy vs. Data Center Proxy

A residential proxy has some definitive advantages over a data center proxy. For one, residential proxies are typically ethically sourced, which means that the internet service or proxy providers do care about the security of those on the proxy network and those who are trying to use them. The person who owns the device’s IP address would have been notified that their IP address is being used.

Data center proxies are usually hosted on the cloud, and it’s common for one IP address to be shared among multiple users. Any other regular user might be okay with this. However, brands and businesses need to be extra careful about whom they share their IP address. After all, an IP address is an identity, and you don’t want to be associated with one that’s suspicious and unsafe.

On the other hand, every residential IP proxy address can be associated with a real, actual location. But how can a residential proxy help with cybersecurity?

How a Residential Proxy Can Help Your Business

Companies and organizations can use a residential proxy or bulletproof proxy to protect themselves against cybercriminals. Cyber attackers can also leverage residential proxies, but it’d be difficult for them to reach your actual servers. This is because the residential proxy would prevent them from doing so.

A residential proxy is also effective in ensuring privacy and anonymity when conducting business over the web. There are benefits of residential proxies for marketing too.

While a residential proxy may not be enough to thwart the most experienced hackers, it’d be sufficient to keep most hackers at bay. A residential proxy isn’t an all-in-one solution, but it’s a great start. Ask about residential IP proxy services from your ISP or any trusted proxy provider if you wish to increase cybersecurity for your business.

Reason #4: Your IT Employees Need Help

The bigger and more popular the business, the more it’ll be subjected to cyberattacks. Your IT employees would need all the help they can get when top hackers come a-knocking. Businesses big and small need to make sure they have cybersecurity measures in place when cyberattacks happen and have IT security teams ready to thwart attacks as they happen.

Companies need to get better at monitoring cyberattacks and improving cyber security awareness. The average time that it takes for companies to detect and contain data breaches is 279 days (IBM, 2020). The longer that it takes a company to contain a data breach, the more money it loses with every passing second. Failure to notify affected customers and concerned parties of any possible data breach can cost your business hundreds of thousands of dollars in lawsuits.

Successful hacks aren’t done overnight. Before successfully getting into a secured network, determined hackers would have already tried countless times and failed. All it takes is one mistake, an accident, or a minute of negligence for hackers to get valuable information and disrupt your day-to-day operations.

Cybersecurity awareness isn’t just for consumers. Your employees need to be well-equipped to prevent cybercrime too.


In case it isn’t clear enough, we’ll say it plain and simple: There are more than enough reasons to reinforce your company against cyberattacks.

Cybersecurity is becoming more essential as cybercriminals stop at nothing to steal data, disrupt business, and even cause nationwide panic. Increased cybersecurity is essential in stopping cybercriminals in their tracks, protecting your businesses against different kinds of cyberattacks.

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