How to live the free life and maintain your income

Are you tired of the 9-5 drudgery, the long commute and the miserable winters? If so, there may be another way. With the latest technologies the world has become a much smaller place. Could you imagine yourself spending your winters on a tropical beach while still making money. If so, read on.

If you work in any kind of profession where your end product can be delivered over the internet there is nothing to stop you working from anywhere in the world.

A quick look at websites such as or will give you an idea of the opportunities out there for online workers.

If you are in IT, graphic design, writing, data entry, there is plenty work available online.

The rates paid aren’t always high but spend a few months picking up jobs on one of these sites and you should be able to build up a good list of clients.

So, if you want to take of and try out life in some new countries or just get away during the winter months, it can be done.

And the real beauty of it is that there is no limit to where you can go.

You can spend your winter months on a beach in Thailand, stop for a few weeks in Hawaii, or chill out in Goa for a couple of months.

All you really need is a laptop or tablet and a good internet connection.


To make this work there are a number of practicalities to contend with.

1. You will have to commit to the freelance life

Commit to a freelance life

If you wish to spend some, or all of your time working and traveling you will have to pack in the day job.

You’ll have to accept that this will most likely mean you’ll have a drop in wages.

However, this is not perhaps as bad as it at first seems. It depends a lot on where you decide to travel.

For example, the drop in how much money you make is likely to be offset by the fact that many of the most attractive countries to live in have a much lower cost of living.

Others of course will have a higher cost of living. You need to take the time to plan your location and make sure you are fully aware of the living cost implications.

2. You will need a good and reliable internet connection wherever you go

This is rarely a problem in the cities, but it may limit where you can go. That said access is continually improving.

3. You will need to think about visas

Get a travel visa

Most countries will allow you to enter for two or three months as a tourist.

Technically you should not work with such a visa, so you should apply for a business visa before you enter the country.

This is okay in the short-term if you are moving from country to country, but is not really a long-term option.

If you wish to spend extended periods of time in just one country you should get the proper visas and work permits.

Personal finances

Depending on how long you stay away from Britain each year, the tax implications of living such a lifestyle can get a little tricky.

To be regarded as a resident in the UK, you must spend at least 183 years here a day.

Unless you plan to move to another country full-time you should try to maintain this.

This will also keep your finances simpler as you can make your yearly tax returns in Britain as normal.

Organise your personal finances

If you live abroad full-time you will most likely have to pay tax abroad.

If you do intend to travel and work, there are some essentials that you need, including a credit card, good travel insurance (and EHIC card if in Europe) and a PayPal account or another merchant account..

Before you set off, make sure to set your PayPal account or other merchant account is set up so you can send money directly to your current account.

You should also bring a card to access your current account funds, and have all accounts set up with online banking facilities.

You may also want to take a prepaid currency card.

With all of this in place, you should be able to manage your finances easily online.

So, if you are yearning for adventure and you have a job that will allow you to work and travel, it can be done.

A little preparation and one big leap of faith, and you could be spending next winter basking in the tropical sun in the day and working on your tablet or laptop in the evenings.

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