How to Choose a Reliable eLearning Software Development Company

Analysts of ProsperityForAll claim that about 90% of businesses offer their employees online training opportunities. Moreover, over 42% of companies state that eLearning implementation helped them increase their incomes. Furthermore, virtual education is incredibly popular among youth nowadays. For example, more than 70% of US students today prefer online training to ordinary learning. And presently, the number of those choosing virtual education is intensively growing.

Such trends caused numerous online training platforms to appear. And as the demand for virtual learning constantly rises, more and more eLearning enterprises are launched. The success of the specified businesses mainly depends on the quality of their websites, though. So, choosing a reliable eLearning software development company is critical when founding an educational platform. That’s why experts came up with some recommendations for picking an IT team to create an online training site.

Features of Reputable eLearning Software Development Companies

Such programming teams have all the necessary certificates and licenses. Trustworthy software engineering enterprises (like Intetics) also have extensive portfolios. This allows them to confirm their experiences. Reputable development companies hire only qualified professionals. Occasionally, IT agencies cooperate with freelancers. However, even in this case, they carefully pick such specialists.

Structure of eLearning Software Development Companies

The mentioned teams typically include several departments. Each branch is involved in a particular software creation stage. Such an approach enables performing IT projects significantly faster and more cost-effectively. Among the key development departments, it’s worth noting the following ones:

  1. HR branch. Successful software engineering enterprises permanently grow. That’s why they commonly constantly seek new specialists. Furthermore, reputable IT agencies sometimes need temporary employees, for instance, when performing hefty development projects.
  2. Sales and marketing department. This branch helps not only search for new clients but also communicate with existing ones.
  3. Analytics department. Each training platform strives to offer consumers unique educational services. Specialists of the specified branch gather information about the closest rivals, discover competitors’ weaknesses, and propose solutions that help beat similar eLearning companies. As a result, online training platforms are more likely to become popular.
  4. UI/UX design branch. Sites should be attractive and convenient to employ. Adobe experts found that about 59% of online users choose beautifully designed websites. Moreover, ResearchGate says that 94% of first impressions of sites are related to their design. That’s why eLearning platforms should look attractive.
  5. Programming department. This branch includes front-end and back-end coders. AI specialists are also included in such branches nowadays. The more skillful programmers an IT agency has, the better your educational platform will be. On the other hand, inexperienced coders typically can’t perform complex tasks properly. They make numerous mistakes that, for example, may slow down your website.
  6. QA branch. Any software has certain cons just after its creation. QA engineers discover such lacks and return apps for revision if it’s necessary. Reputable eLearning companies typically have multi-level testing departments. This allows producing flawless IT products.
  7. Maintenance branch. Online training websites should be regularly checked, updated, and even restored. It may take a lot of time for third-party specialists to determine website peculiarities. That’s why experts advise ordering maintenance services from a company that developed your eLearning software.

IT agencies can not only make educational platforms from scratch but also improve existing ones. For instance, such software engineering teams may create a mobile application or add custom software to your online training site.

"SEO" being written by hand

Can eLearning Software Development Companies Promote Your Educational Platform?

Some trustworthy IT agencies have separate SEO departments. Other enterprises closely cooperate with corresponding enterprises or freelancers to promote the websites they make. Anyway, specialists advise hiring eLearning software development companies that can take up search engine optimization of your online training website.

If an IT agency doesn’t offer the specified services, experts recommend asking this software engineering team so that it consults the optimizers you found. The mentioned approach typically gives essentially better results. When cooperating with website developers, SEO professionals can deeper understand the software architecture. As a result, optimizers can make more effective decisions as a part of site promotion.

What Else Should Be Considered?

Experts recommend checking previous client opinions about the chosen eLearning software development company. Trustworthy IT agencies publish such comments on their websites. Also, numerous ranking platforms place client reviews about programming enterprises. Additionally, it’s necessary to do the following things:

  1. Learn about the corporate culture of the picked developers. For example, in some countries, IT agencies usually don’t call into question clients’ ideas. Consequently, the results may not match client expectations. That’s because entrepreneurs typically don’t have deep knowledge about development process features. As a result, they can make fundamental mistakes when creating specifications.
  2. Define the specialization of a chosen development company. Some IT agencies have skilled website developers but, at the same time, don’t get experience in the creation of mobile applications. Moreover, small development companies may offer specialists that can make, for instance, Android apps only, whereas you need online training software for iPhones and iPads.
  3. Pricing. Too low prices are commonly proposed by companies offering poor-quality services. On the other hand, you significantly limit yourself when cooperating with IT agencies suggesting excessively high pricing. This is especially true for startups with small budgets.
  4. Size of an eLearning software development company. Huge enterprises typically work with hefty IT projects. Consequently, they may not pay appropriate attention to the quality of small orders’ performance. That’s because huge enterprises sometimes consider such projects less of a priority. On the other hand, small companies typically have poor scalability. As a result, they aren’t able to quickly expand their development team to finish a project earlier or handle an increasing workload.

In addition, experts recommend considering strategies used by eLearning development companies as a part of project performance. You can find more details on this topic in thematic blogs (e.g., at


The online training industry is incredibly promising today. To succeed in this sector, entrepreneurs should entrust the creation of virtual education platforms to reputable IT agencies, though. Trustworthy eLearning software development companies typically offer full-cycle application-making. Such enterprises also have all the necessary permissions and licenses. Moreover, reliable software engineering teams propose favorable pricing as well as have a comprehensive list of development services.

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