How to make money through content marketing

Let’s face it; everyone would like to make a little money online. From filling in surveys and watching videos to putting adverts on your website and offering your services online, it’s easy to find ways to boost your income by working a little harder on the internet – but not all of them are as equally effective.

One money-making method that’s so commonly overlooked, or at least misunderstood, is content marketing. The art of writing quality content and promoting it online may seem like hard work, but the rewards can be incredibly fruitful. Below, we’ve rounded up everything you need to know about doing exactly that.

Affiliate marketing

If you’re passionate about a particular product or service, the chances are you’ll be able to write about it. An incredible 15% of all digital marketing revenue comes from affiliate marketing,  and thousands of webmasters have made a living from doing exactly that.

All you need is a blog, a knack for writing and a passion for promoting a product or service that you know your customers will love. By writing informative tutorials, in-depth reviews and product comparisons, you can rank on Google for key terms and enjoy a percentage return whenever somebody clicks through to buy a product from your website. It’s simple.


Starting your own blog doesn’t always have to be about making money, but it’s entirely possible to sustain a career by writing high-quality content and generating an income from advertising banners from Google AdSense.

Some of the world’s most successful bloggers have gone on to enjoy other revenue streams such as merchandise, public speaking and video content on YouTube – building a brand around your name can be lucrative.


If you’ve built a blog and you want to take it to the next level, then you could consider a sponsorship agreement to supplement your income. Some bloggers offer sponsored posts, where brands and businesses pay to promote their products and services.

Blogging using broadband internet on a laptop

Such blogs can bring in hundreds of dollars each, and, if you manage to secure a number of sponsored post placements a month, you could quit your day job altogether to work on your website.


You’ll likely have already heard the phrase ‘content is king’ – and it’s not just entrepreneurs who understand the value of good content. Marketing agencies and businesses around the world are on constant lookout for high-quality content to use on their website, and if you have strong writing skills, you could be the one to offer such content.

Freelance writing is most profitable if you can build a name for yourself in your industry and find clients of your own, but if you’re struggling to do that, then services like Fiverr and Freelancer are a great starting point.

Likewise, if you are skilled in a particular industry, you could offer to contribute to local newspapers, magazines and columns to supplement your income and promote your personal brand in the process.

Promoting your own products and services

If you run your own business, then content marketing will likely prove your best friend when you’re on a marketing journey. Blogging regularly on your website will encourage Google to index your new pages and provide you with organic traffic.

From there, you can put your visitors through a content marketing sales funnel and enjoy increased and repeat sales. One great way to boost your knowledge is to follow a small business marketing blog so that you’re always up to date on the latest content marketing techniques and best practices.

Wrapping up

If you’ve got a natural flair for writing, it’s easy to make a lot of money online. Follow these tips, continue to hone your craft, research whenever you can and you’ll soon be on your way to making a small fortune. Good luck!

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