The Christmas period is always the most difficult, with more individuals feeling ‘the squeeze’ year on year. If you want to earn a bit more money this year, why not consider taking up one of these extra money making ideas.
If you’ve recently decided to rent out one of your properties, you will no doubt be looking into the many different types of insurance needed to protect your investment. Landlords Insurance is one of the best ways of protecting your property from damage caused by your tenants.
Professional indemnity insurance (PI) protects your business against client or third party claims of negligence or mistakes made during the course of professional duties, which result in the third party’s loss or damage.
As the effects of the economic downturn continue to bite, predicting your financial future is more important than ever. With a VAT hike on the horizon and fuel bills continuing to rise, hard-pressed families are finding their budgets squeezed from all sides.
Business insurance is perhaps seen as a necessary pain. It’s therefore no wonder that for some it’s only when they may need to make a claim they realise that they never paid attention to the details of the policy and perhaps don’t have the adequate cover. So, it’s important to spend a little time checking what you need and what your restaurant insurance policy.
Life holds lots of surprises, and you don’t want an inflexible life cover plan to be one of them. Most insurance plans will allow you to change the level of cover and the cover term where necessary.