Is it Time to Use a Fountain Pen?

A fountain pen for many will bring back memories of school and piles of blotting paper, it certainly does for me. But in this electronic age with so much use of email, social networks and texting, is there space for the fountain pen?

Is Margin Call on DVD One to Watch?

Who would have thought that a movie about mortgage backed securities and their role in triggering the banking crisis and credit crunch would be remotely interesting, let alone worth spending a Saturday night in to watch.

Empty Property Insurance Is Expensive!

I have an elderly Aunt who having had a stroke and being in hospital and rehabilitation has decided, at least for the time being, is going to stay in a residential home. Her own home is therefore empty and I needed to arrange for empty property insurance. I was in for a shock at the cost!

Do You Want A Better Life?

If you were asked 'Do you want a better life?' what would your answer be? For many it would be a resounding yes. Is it possible to achieve though?