Have you been a loyal customer with your bank, mobile phone company or been flying with the same airline for more than a year? Many of us can answer that we have, but for this loyalty how many discounts, free products, upgrades and even cash back have we received?
Some time ago I wrote about my battle with BT over their broadband connection charges. It seems that I won, in the end, but only with help from the BBC.
Dealing with the death of loved ones can 'knock you for six' and yet amidst all the pain of the loss, personal finance matters must be taken care of.
With many people looking for ways to save money, another option is to consider turning your valuables into cash. How though do you turn your jewellery into cash for example? We take a look.
The world of investment is a big one, and it can often be both confusing and overwhelming to expand the types of investments you hold for this very reason. However, many financial advisers would argue that this is the single best way to spread risk and protect your portfolio. Therefore, it only makes sense to figure out how you could achieve this.
I guess that most people can still just about remember their New Year Resolutions. Losing weight must surely be the most popular resolution of them all.