Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays an important role in improving your website’s search engine ranking. While SEO techniques are constantly changing and improving, there are some basic activities, which if done properly, can bring about vast improvements in your website’s ranking. The Backlink is one such potent formula for SEO. Backlinks act as validators of your website. They are a route through which traffic is brought to your site from a link in other reliable sites. This, in turn, boosts the website’s prominence on search engine portals.
We’ve listed below tips and tricks of the backlink to help create remarkable improvements to your search engine score and overall in-bound traffic to your website.
The Number and Quality of Backlinks in Important
When multiple links from various reliable websites lead to your website or blog for information on a particular keyword, google and other search engine sites take notice. They consider your page to be the most informative and relevant compared to other sites for that search query. And hence these search engines will give your site more credit and a better ranking on the search engine page.
Use Intelligent Anchor Links on both Image or Text
The links that lead to your website can either be an image or a text. The text that links to your website is called the ‘anchor link text’, and while it’s not mandatory that the keyword you’re vying for is part of the anchor text anymore, it’s important that there is relevance between the anchor link text and the site that it links to. Also make sure to add relevant ‘alt tags’ to your image links. The ‘alt tag’ acts as the anchor link for the image, and google will rank the image basis the relevance of the ‘alt tag’ text.
Go Out And Actively Seek Backlinks
While google and search engine sites will do some of the work for you automatically, and your site will acquire some traffic. You need to go aggressive to match up with the competition out there. The best part about backlinks is that you don’t need to have any specialised skills or technical knowledge. It’s all about finding relevant partners and building relationships with other website owners.
It may be a slower process, but all you need is a few links a week, rather than a sudden blast of backlinks. So, avoid outsourcing your link building to agencies that deal in low quality, bulk link building gimmicks. Search engines are smart to identify unnatural, low quality links, and this is affect your site’s overall ranking.
Aim for High Quality Backlinks
Backlinks is not just about numbers, the relevance of the backlink is a major factor in determining how the backlink improves your overall site’s score. So put in the extra effort to get backlinks from sites that are trustworthy and relevant to the targeted keyword, this will help bring a steady flow of traffic to your site. The other backlinks on the partner site is also important. Connecting with a website that has backlinks to sites of authority and trust will boost the quality of your backlink. So do a little bit of research to get that extra mileage.
Research Where to Get the Best Backlinks From
To find sites that are easy to reach out to for backlinks, do a research of your competitor’s sites and where he gets his backlinks from. It’s a good place to start. The other way is to search on google for topics that are relevant to the ones on your site. There are several free backlink research tools online that will give you better data on the backlinks to your site and your competitor’s site. Check to get a look at your site’s backlink performance.
Try Different Communication Methods to Get the Backlink
While the easiest way to get a backlink is by contacting the owner of the other website via email, there are other personalised options as well. It’s easy to speak to leaders and business owners through sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and twitter very easily these days. Try to leverage these mediums as much as possible and be persistent. The key here is to not be too salesy. Make your message is personal, talking about the website you want to link to, and the topic that’s of similar interest, in order to get their attention.
At the end of it all, it’s your website content that forms the foundation of good search engine ranking. This in turn will automatically help connect with better partners for acquiring good quality backlinks.